回答:派可数据推荐人群:企业选型、数据分析师、相关业务人员、派可数据是国内专业的低代码数据仓库开发平台 + 敏捷 BI 可视化分析平台,国产商业智能 BI 软件产品,具备端到端( End-to-End ) 的产品与服务能力,包括:企业级数据仓库平台、三端可视化分析( PC 端、移动端、大屏端 )自助设计能力、中国式报表、填报与数据补录平台。. 企业级数据仓库平台 - 快速原型可视化设计建模、零代码的数据...
...o //the resize event. varsupportsOrientationChange=onorientationchangeinwindow, orientationEvent=supportsOrientationChange?orientationchange:resize; window.addEventListener(orientationEvent,fun...
...o //the resize event. varsupportsOrientationChange=onorientationchangeinwindow, orientationEvent=supportsOrientationChange?orientationchange:resize; window.addEventListener(orientationEvent,fun...
...局变量 每个JavaScript环境有一个全局对象,浏览器中就是window对象,Node环境中是global对象,在函数外面,this指向window对象,不管是通过var 声明或者直接创建的变量,都是这个全局对象的属性。在函数内部通过var声明的变量只会...
...The Big Three React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Open-Source Software Angular - One framework. Mobile & desktop. Open-Source Software Vue.js - A progressive, incremen...
...The Big Three React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Open-Source Software Angular - One framework. Mobile & desktop. Open-Source Software Vue.js - A progressive, incremen...
...; panel2.position = [80, 320]; // 创建任意对象 var dataObj1 = { open1: false, open2: false, open3: false, open4: false, } var dataObj2 = { open5: false, open6: false, open7: ...
...使用连续成功次数来计算,一旦失败,则将断路器设置为open状态。如果连续成功次数达到阈值,则进入close状态。每次进入half-open的状态时,连续成功的计数器清零。 主要代码 断路器状态 public enum CircuitBreakerState { CLOSED, //...
OPEN CURSOR After the OPEN CURSOR statement, the database cursor is positioned in front of the first line of the result set. FETCH This statement extracts the requested rows (using the addition INTO o...
... req = urllib2.Request(http://blog.csdn.net/cqcre) try: urllib2.urlopen(req) except urllib2.HTTPError, e:#使用hasattr属性判断code是否存在 print e.code except urllib2.URLError, e: print e.reason...